Sunday, January 9, 2011

October 2010

Sigh! I'm always behind on the blogs.

Why is this lizard in my bathroom? Not by the tub or the sink, either, but in the little room that houses the commode. Why? Or perhaps a better question is, how? That's one disoriented lizard. Poor little guy. Cliff helped him find his way out.

I know this is a horrible picture and I'm sorry to inflict it on you, but this owl was so cool! In a kind of creepy sort of way. He has been hanging around our house for a few days and tonight he's perched right on the roof over the spare room window. He's gorgeous. He put up with our lights shining in his eyes for a few minutes before he spread his wings and quietly left us for a more private roost.

A little more domestic, yet no less creepy--here's our kitty, Boston, sucking on Isaiah's toe. Our 3 newest kitties were raised by people--bottle fed--rather than by their mommy, and we think that's why they LOVE to suck on fingers, toes, ears... anything handy that's human. At first it was very cute. Now it's just kind of gross. However, kitties that were raised by humans are about the friendliest types of kitties ever, I think. They're almost like dogs--they want to be around us, when we go someplace, they follow. They're happiest in our laps. So sweet!


Isaiah got contacts! He's been wanting them for a long time, but we needed to wait until his eyes stabilized and all that. My momma made me wait until I was almost 16 to get contacts, but our Isaiah is very responsible and good at taking care of things, so we think he's ready for contacts. He LOVES them. Of course, he'd like them better if they changed the color of his eyes to orange.... but that's not gonna happen. On my bill, anyway.

Allegra is always reading something. Often she'll be reading more than one book at a time. Whenever I come across a pile of books--on the ottoman, on the couch, on the counter, on the table, on the floor--I know Allegra's been there, browsing.

I attempted to take portraits of my kids again this month. What I love about taking photos of the kids is that, although I don't usually come up with that "perfect" put-on-the-wall, glamorous portrait, their photographs are a series of reflections of what it's like to be around that kid. If you get my drift. Here we have Rayne--can you see how patient she's trying to be? And of course, she's fixing her hair. Again. And there's the fixed smile she saves just for photos. That's in the other 50 photos I didn't post here.

And here's Isaiah--I can't get that kid to keep a straight face in a picture.
Allegra too. At least she's looking in the camera--usually she's looking anywhere but at the camera!

Our Chase is doing so well! He is very happy. His letters home are entertaining and uplifting. You can find them here. He finally sent home a memory card full of photos, so I need to get them printed and put on a disc and then I can start posting them, both on the website above and also on this blog. Sometimes I feel like I'm drowning in photos!

We did the usual cookies and candy apples. And Jacks.

And Isaiah--being so creative--was a CEREAL KILLER. Get it? I love that my kids are old enough to make their own costumes. Sometimes we have to go to the store to get props, but they come up with their costume concepts themselves and will spend a lot of time fabricating them. Allegra didn't do the trick-or-treating thing this year. Some of our regular t-o-t gigs didn't happen and she declined to go to the church parties. I think she was sorry when she saw her brother's haul. He shared, though. With all of us.

It's kind of strange to be doing everything without our Chase. He's only been gone a few months, so we still miss him keenly every day. But it helps a lot that his letters home are so happy. And Fall is my very favorite season. I love the weather, I love the colors of the leaves and of the hills, I love all the Autumn holidays, I love getting back into school... Such a happy time of year!

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